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An eighteen month old baby

Just gone to check out on my archive the first compiled version of what is currently named “Uruk_One”, made on 2019 October 3, eighteen months ago. Still powered with VSOP87, it looks so basic but if I remember correctly I started to write its code not more than a couple weeks before literally converting my computing engine written years before in C to Pascal.

Many features were added (but still Saturn invokes vengeance for its rings and its satellites) and considering that I’m a “one-man-band” I’m pretty happy with all the work done so far. I’m sorry for Saturn but it will have to wait a little longer because now I would like to close the discussion on comets and check that everything that has been done so far is stable and does not contain hidden bugs.

Also I’m not that sure that Uruk_One will be the final name of the program……

2 thoughts on “An eighteen month old baby”

  1. Buonasera
    Il bimbo è cresciuto in maniera esponenziale e come lei sostiene va stabilizzato il lavoro fatto fino adesso. Io sono del parere che quando sarà completato in modo soddisfacente per il suo creatore (spero, vista la mia tarda età, non troppo in avanti), debba essere adeguatamente posto all’attenzione dei cultori dell’archeoastronomia e discipline ad essa collegate (ad es. all’ALSSA di Genova).
    L. Torlai

  2. Hi
    At 18 months old, the baby is growing fast and is doing very well. Now, with the new JPL ephemeris and recent delta T update, I think Uruk_One is well armed for the next few years.
    Lunga vita al bellissimo bambino.

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