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Version Beta Bug Reporting

Please place here comments about bugs of the current version. I’ll do the same.

36 thoughts on “Version Beta Bug Reporting”

  1. Hi
    Unable to install this version because Microsoft Defender Antivirus find :
    I suppose it is a false positive.
    Any idea ?

  2. Windows 10 told me nothing here. Let’s see what happened to Kamil.

    PS. You had the same message when installing version Try downloading again and install, you wrote me it helped.

  3. I just received an update for my Defender antivirus and there is no longer an alert.
    A false positive as usual.
    However when I click on Uruk_One icon, the following message is displayed :
    Access denied.Press OK to ignore or risk data corruption. Press abort to kill the program.
    If I click OK, the main windows is displayed but with no information, for instance on the sun window, I read unassigned. And If I click on the debug option I receive the message :
    Access violation….
    Do you think this can be related to French language ?
    Also if I click on Recall DEFLOC or CURLOC I read strange messages : You are out of range of ephemeris resetting or ephemeris not assdigned resetting.
    Date and time are : 4713 1 1 BCE 12h
    If I try to exit, the message is File handling error occurred. Details ElnOutErrorAccess Denied.
    Thank you for your help.

    1. Maybe Windows permission management has jammed some file. Try this:

      1. Go to C:/UrukOne/Data and delete the file UrukOne.cfg. Then start the program again. If started correctly you will have to set most of the options as suitable for you.

      If nothing changes then use the uninstall executable into the C:/UrukOne folder and install again.

  4. Hi
    For me, the installation and subsequent running of this version went perfectly fine and everything works without the slightest problem.


    1. Interesting. I’ve opened a page on Facebook just because users can start topics on their own (not possible in a blog) and send images as well. 🙂

  5. I uninstalled Uruk_One including folders Uruk_One and Uruk1_USR.
    But when I try to reinstall Uruk_One this message is displayed :
    Invalid file name…
    If I press OK, the main window is displayed but with no information.
    For instance, the sun window is empty with the message : pnlSol
    In fact I see pnlxxx everywhere.

    1. That message appears if C:/UrukOne/data folder does not exist, is renamed, is empty or you can’t access it reading. Try checking it out.

  6. After downloading again Uruk-One in case of a corrupted file, I try again to reinstall the program but without success.
    I notice the Uruk1_USR folder was not created.
    As I saved this folder before, I copy the folder USR to c: but same error messages.
    I wonder why the USR file is not created during installation ?

    1. Because the USR_PATH is created after files in /data folder are accessed. Are you sure the application path is “C:\UrukOne”? The Program Files folder has problems with files access privileges, that’s why I set as default path “C:\UrukOne”.

  7. Tomorrow I will be able to install latest version on an other computer.
    So I will be able to check if Uruk-One is working fine on this other computer.

  8. Hi

    Bercu, I’ll download Uruk_One this version and try to install it on a backup laptop that hasn’t run Uruk_One yet and let you know.


  9. Hi
    First of all thank you very much for trying to help me.
    I have installed version on my other computer (laptop) and all is working fine so I am able to notice the useful improvements.
    So the problem is related to my desktop. I even clean the register and unwanted files with CCleaner, restart the PC many times but to no avail.
    At the moment, I don’t see what to do. I am puzzled…
    Of course, if I find a solution I will inform you ASAP.

    1. I could reproduce your error deleting the “data” folder placed under the APP_PATH. If this folder is there it means you have some issue related to file permissions, basically you can’t access to this folder. I noticed this problem into the Program Files folder, the place where normally Windows puts applications. That’s why the default path of Uruk_One is “C:\UrukOne” where usually a user has all read/write access permissions. Due to some esoteric reason now you have the same problem in your installation path in that specific computer.

  10. Hi
    Bercu. Because the problem started with Windows Defender antivirus (I also use it on all the PCs I have and it is incomprehensible to me that this software showed any virus at all!). However, I would try turning off the internet connection then turn off the antivirus protection (turn off Defender), install Uruk_One and then see. I can’t think of anything else. Otherwise, on all my laptops, Uruk_One works normally.


  11. You are right. I try to install the previous version 0909406R and I have the same problem.
    So nothing to do with version 0909425R. I check the administrator rights but it seems I have all access.
    I download and run the file MicrosoftProgram_Install_and_Uninstall.meta : no problem.
    At the moment, I don’t know what the problem is.

  12. Just for checking if your user has some specific access right issues. If you right-click an app icon you can select “Run as Administrator”.

  13. Good news at last : I can run Uruk_One but only if I right-click on the app icon and select “Run as administrator”. If I double-click on the icon, I receive the message : access denied.
    Thanks again for your help.

  14. Buongiorno
    Nel mio pc con Windows10 non mi sembra di riscontrare, al momento, alcun problema.

    1. Buondì,
      non avevo dubbi. Ho il forte sospetto che Windows anche a fronte di falsi positivi metta una applicazione che ha solo la colpa di non provenire dal suo store in blacklist, impedendogli di leggere e scrivere sul disco. Classico comportamento inutile e arrogante del sistema operativo peggiore oggi in circolazione, ça va sans dire…..


  15. Hi
    The Temple of Hathor (Dendera, Egypt) was founded on 16 July 54 BC, day of the heliacal rising of Sirius.
    Article in French :
    The azimuth of the temple is (GoogleEarth) : 108.35° (108° 21′)
    It is possible to compute the heliacal rising of Sirius with Uruk_One (DE441) at the Temple of Hathor 32.670174 E 26.141791 N on this day. The azimuth of Sirius is 108° 21′ at 02:18 UT with Arc of Vision = 10.2°
    So the new distance panel is very useful and accurate.

    1. Hi Bercu,
      thanks for submitting this interesting article. I’m going to add it to my list of articles into the External Links Page. Soon I will separately post a brief comparison made by Uruk_One because I can’t show images here.
      Generally speaking if you have a Facebook account you can open your own topic on the product page, which cannot be done due to the limited structure of a blog.


  16. Ricerca molto interessante quella sull’eclisse del 9 Novembre 2 d C. Ho provato a comparare i risultati di Uruk-One e il vecchio Cybersky 5, ottenendo risultati perfettamente analoghi a quelli descritti nella suddetta ricerca (postata sul suo sito in facebook).

  17. La ringrazio del post su FB. Data la mia inesperienza nel gestire le Pagine di Prodotto su FB e non vedendo apparire pubblicato il suo post ci ho messo un pò a capire che arrivano come privati e che vanno manualmente condivisi da me sulla Pagina. Adesso mi sembra che ci siamo.
    un saluto
    Alberto Cavalli

  18. Hi
    Just your opinion.
    On 12 October 2021, 21:39 UT, Pallas will occult the star TYC 5240-00433-1. The occultation will be visible from Paris Observatory. See
    The star position J2000 is 22 49 7.716 -07 07 55.30 (
    Pallas position J2000 is 22 49 07.705666 -07 07 55.35852 (
    With Uruk_One (Tycho-2 Block 1 star catalogue, index 230510), the star position is :
    α2000 = 22h 49m 07.713s, δ2000 = -07° 07′ 55.33″ (same as SIMBAD). Pallas position is (Paris Observatory, 12 Oct 2021, 21:39 UT) : α2000 = 22h 49m 08.493s, δ2000 = -07° 07′ 42.17″.
    So there is no occultation displayed.
    If I use SkyCharts (Patrick Chevalley), the star position J2000 is 22h49m07.713s DE:-07°07’55.33″ and Pallas position J2000 : 22h49m08.476s DE:-07°07’45.39″. Same results as Uruk-One and no occultation displayed.
    Do you have any idea why no occultation is displayed. Problem with MPCORB database (latest file was downloaded in both case) ?
    Thank you for your reply. Not a major problem of course.

  19. Hi BERCU

    The position of the star according to the Gaia EDR3 database (Gaia EDR3 2611188937414746496) is for J2000
    22h49m07.711s -07°07’55.42″. And now note: the position of Pallas according to the SPICE ephemeris database for the Paris Observatory on 12 October 2021, 21:39 UT: α2000 = 22h49m07.706s, δ2000 =-07°07’55.36″. So the occultation will probably really happen. Just to get the exact position of Pallas, you need to use SPICE ephemeris in SkyChart.


  20. MPCORB data can’t be used to predict asteroids occultations. If you check the epoch of osculating elements referred to Pallas (6th columns) you’ll obtain 2021 Jul 05 (Sept 16 file), pretty far from October 12. Horizons ephemeris is using SPICE orbit for sure, and even so the correctness of this ephemeris will be verified by observing the event.


  21. Hi
    Thank you all for your advice.
    It will be interesting to check the occultation with real pictures.

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