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Version Beta Bug Reporting

Please place here comments about bugs of the current version. I’ll do the same.

8 thoughts on “Version Beta Bug Reporting”

  1. Hi
    I just downloaded the latest version. Everything works perfectly. Lots of interesting new features to test over the next few days.
    You deserve a break.
    Buon Natale e Felice Anno nuovo

    1. Bien, j’espère que l’application fonctionnera au mieux.
      Je vous souhaite un joyeux Noël et une bonne année.

      À la prochaine

  2. Buonasera.
    Anch’io ho appena scaricato l’ultima versione e sembra funzionare perfettamente.
    Naturalmente ci sarà da scoprirne tutti i dettagli con calma.
    Auguri per le feste e complimenti per l’ottimo lavoro!
    L. Torlai

    1. Buonasera,
      Grazie e altrettanti auguri per le feste anche a lei, con la speranza di vedere finalmente l’uscita da questo tunnel sanitario globale.


  3. Hi
    I had the opportunity to check version 540 : great and useful improvements, no problems encountered so far.

  4. Hello Mr. Alberto Cavalli,
    have installed version on Linux and am excited about the functionality of the program.
    Here’s what I noticed (already in the previous version):
    HORIZONTAL VIEW and EQUATORIAL VIEW freeze after some work in these windows.
    The view can no longer be moved.
    My personal measure, however, is: If UrukOne is working perfectly, close the program and back up the UrukOne .cfg.
    If necessary, i.e. when freezing the “View windows”, replace the UrukOne.cfg. Then it runs perfectly again.
    Thanks for the interesting software!
    Klaus Böhme

    1. Hello,
      Linux can be the most problematic release, because of the different Window Managers involved (KDE, Gnome, etc.) . I’ve already noticed that Gnome sometimes behaves differently from the others. Which distribution and Window Manager are you currently using? If the graphic window looks stuck and you place your mouse over the coordinates change boxes, using the wheel does the view move?

      Thanks and Greetings

  5. I have been trying to provoke the error for 2 days – unfortunately without success. System is: Linux Mint 20.2 Cinnamon runs in a virtual machine. If the error appears, I will get in touch.

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