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Version Beta Bug Reporting [No More Online]

Please report here any bug found on this version as comment to this post. I’ll do the same.

#I0011 - Solved a bug about calculation of stellar proper motion.
#I0012 - Jupiter's Moons window - Time change button [ - ] did not refresh the view. SOLVED.
#I0013 - Some minor bugs solved.

#F0013 - EQT View redesigned with Stereographic Projection. Now wide or narrow fields of view can be managed.
#F0014 - Stellar Occultation AID extended to the HORizontal view as well.
#F0015 - EQT View : "Centered Object" combobox doesn't exist anymore. Now every object can be tracked.
#F0016 - The old "Map View" turned into a fixed "All Sky Map"
#F0017 - Format of the Event Files has changed. Still possible loading the old format and automatically convert while saving.
#F0018 - Now EQT and HOR Views can be Horizontally and Vertically flipped.
#F0019 - Added new items to the pop-up menu activated by right click of the mouse.

19 thoughts on “Version Beta Bug Reporting [No More Online]”

  1. Locations File overwritten by new installation
    Is it possible to set a path for locations file in Preferences, like for DE431?

    1. Argh! That’s why I placed this bolded note on the download page.

      NOTE: if you have edited or added new locations don’t forget to export the location file (menu File > Export Location File) before installing the new version and import after the update is done.

  2. In preferences, horizontal view, the possibility to flag/unflag the red and green line (celestial equator and ecliptic path) is disappeared, they are always on in the map. (Win 10 Pro installation, not yet tested on MacOS)

    1. Yup, I have weakened the Horizontal Map as it risks becoming a duplicate of the new Stereographic Horizontal Map. Basically this Map is intended for a quick view of the entire sky, just as a “whole sky cam” for checking what’s above or below the horizon and where ecliptic and celestial equator are.

  3. Hi
    Nice work, very useful for researching ancient skies.
    However, I can’t find this mutual occultation of planets in the database “Mutual phenomena among planets” (if I am note mistaken).
    28 May 1737 – Venus occults Mercury (observation by John Bevis, Greenwich Observatory)
    According to the occultation took place at 21:50 UT.
    If I set the main window to EQT Topocentric view, I can see the occultation.
    Besides, is there a way to see Venus as a transparent picture in order to see Mercury during the occultation ? or is is on a “to do” list for a later improvement ?
    Any idea ?
    Thank you for your answer.
    I will watch the progress of you software with great interest.
    Best regards

    1. Thank you for appreciating Uruk_One. The event observed by John Bevis is missing from the mutual events list because all the computed events are referred to the geocentric reference. If you switch the EQT View in Geocentric mode you will see that Mercury is actually not hidden by Venus. Due to the parallax (not negligible in this case) what’s visible from a geocentric reference system does not match with local circumstances.
      Transparencies, fillings and gradients are badly managed by the current standard graphic library, as soon as I reach version 1.0 I will look for a higher quality graphics library.

      Alberto Cavalli

  4. Hi again
    I check the accuracy of UrukOne with Emapwin ( using de431 regarding the Total solar eclipse of 15 April -135 in Babylon.
    For the maximum of eclipse, Emapwin gives the following results : UT : 5:25:17, Sun alt. 34.7°, Sun az. 103°, Mag. 1.006 in good accordance with UrukOne.
    Regarding the occultation of Mars and Jupiter as seen from Beijing 12 September 1170, Skychart ( with de431 gives these results:
    UT : 20:29:47, Mars alt 70° 29′ , Mars az. 159° 44′ in good accordance again with UrukOne.
    All the best.

  5. Hi
    There was an occultation between Venus and Regulus on 7 July 1959 observed by Jean Meeus from an observatory located in Belgium : 4° 43′ 37″ E, 50° 54′ 20″ N (….75..256M).
    Regulus disappears at 14:21:22 UT and reappears at 14:29:29 UT.
    Using UrukOne, with the observatory coordinates, Regulus disappears at 14:14 UT and reappears at 14:27 UT.
    Any idea why this discrepancy ?
    Regarding delta T, the last study by Stephenson and al. can be found at (page 139).
    Regarding the precession, there was an other article from Vondrak and al. in 2012 (corrigendum) :
    Thank you for this hard work.

  6. Hi,
    I really appreciate your reportings about possible bugs. Actually the star engine is the less tested section of the program. A difference of 6m is unacceptable, and I firstly tested everything related to Venus’ position with SOLEX12. No issue there, the DE438 position is ok, so some problem with the calculation of Regulus position must be present. I’m investigating on it. Thanks again.

    Alberto Cavalli

  7. Hi again
    Thank you for solving this issue. In fact, using Cartes du Ciel last version 4-3-4176 with DE430, c1 = 14:21:21 and C4 = 14:29:29. Now on your comment, I read C4 = 14:19:19 UT instead of 14:29:19, a typo error.
    It is possible to check another close occultation. In Aristotle’s Meteorologica, Aristotle reports an observation (Athens) of an occultation between Jupiter and a star in Gemini (1 Gem) on December 337 BC (…12Q.885P&db_key=AST&page_ind=0&data_type=GIF&type=SCREEN_VIEW&classic=YES).
    In fact a very close conjunction occurs during the night of 4-5 December 337 BC. Using Cartes du Ciel with DE431, 1 Gem (HIP 28734) and Jupiter could not be separated with naked eyes at 23:00 UT. Using UrukOne, same result. Very good.
    Uruk One apparent RA = 03:46:03 and DE = +19° 37′ 51″ (J Now).
    Cartes du Ciel : AD: 03h45m30.65s DE:+19°36’14.5″. In my opinion the discrepancy could be related to the formula used for delta T.

    All the best.

  8. The submitted link doesn’t work. Can you please go the PDF (clicking on “Print this Article”) and try again?

  9. Something is wrong with the link.
    If I paste the link on my internet browser, it doesn’t work either.
    So here a text in Wikipedia :
    In Meteorologica, Aristotle mentions that he observed Jupiter in conjunction with and then occulting a star in Gemini. This is the earliest-known observation of this nature. A study published in 1990 suggests the star involved was 1 Geminorum and the event took place on 5 December 337 BC.

  10. Ok, just found the article. I can confirm what’s written there, during the night of Dec 5, 337 BCE the least distance between Jupiter and 1 Gem was 5.3′. Anyway Aristotle couldn’t realize whether it was an occultation or not due to many reasons: Aristotle’s quality of sight, Jupiter’s brilliance with respect to the star, and the distance between the two objects, that was 5.3′. If one has a good sight can easily distinguish Mizar and Alcor, separated by 12′, but 5′ looks to me a real challenge. 🙂

  11. Hi
    I installed Uruk_One on my desktop computer (screen 21,5″ , Windows 10) and everything works fine.
    Then I installed Uruk_One on my laptop (screen 14″, Windows 10 latest version, 4 Go SDRAM, Graphic card INTEL 520 updated). When I open the software on my laptop, the windows is larger than the screen (about 120%). It is impossible to see the edges and the taskbar so I can’t close the program. I tried to change the screen parameters but to no avail. To exit the program, I have to use Ctrl+Alt+Suppr. All other programs work fine.
    Any idea how to solve this issue ?
    Thank you.
    Best regards

  12. As you can see from Info Menu -> Debug Info of your desktop the minimum resolution required by Uruk_One after started is 1440 x 940 pixels. Most likely your laptop’s native resolution is lesser. Usually higher resolutions can be achieved with an external monitor but if your LCD internal monitor has (for example) a 1280 x 720 resolution you can’t do anything.

  13. You are absolutely right. The maximum screen resolution of my laptop is 1366 x 768.
    Thank you for solving this issue.

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