Thanks to BERCU’s reporting I’ve solved a very annoying bug, hidden into the code assigned to the calculation of stellar proper motions. A missing zero into the expression calculating Julian Centuries was there, almost invisible. Now C1 timing matches with the one detected by Meeus. C4 is 10 seconds far from Meeus’ detection, but actually I don’t have a plausible explanation for that.
Of course other tests of stellar occultations will be necessary for being sure that everything works fine.
Some comparison:
MEEUS C1 = 14:21:22 UT C4 = 14:29:29 UT ** URUK_ONE C1 = 14:21:22 UT C4 = 14:29:19 UT SKYSAFARI 6 C1 = 14:21:31 UT. C4 = 14:29:21 UT STELLARIUM C1 = 14:21:11 UT C4 = 14:30:54 UT KSTARS C1 = 14:21:11 UT C4 = 14:32:13 UT (hard to find contacts, not suitable for this job) CARTES DU CIEL C1 = 14:18:14 UT C4 = 14:27:58 UT
** Meeus declares that the reappearance of the star may have occurred a few seconds earlier than observed.