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Version Beta Bug Reporting [No more online]

Please report here any bug found on this version as comment to this post. I’ll do the same.

4 thoughts on “Version Beta Bug Reporting [No more online]”

  1. Hi
    I just downloaded last version and I check the new star database HYG3.
    In his article Early Japanese astronomical observations, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 1968, Vol. 141, p.69, F.R. Stephenson analyzed the occultation of Aldebaran by the Moon as seen from Japan on 4 March 640. The observer was located in Nara (34° 41′ N, 135° 50′ E). Using Patrick Chevalley’s Skychart with Extended Hipparcos Compilation (2012) and DE431, the occultation starts at 11:22 UT and ends at 12:29 UT. Using UrukOne (Version Beta) with DE431, the occultation starts and ends at the same time. Now using UrukOne (Version with HYG3 and DE431, the occultation starts and ends at the same time UT. So good computation with the new star database.

    Regarding Asteroids data Management. I downloaded the file astorb.dat in the file URUK1_USR. When I click on TURN ASTEROIDS on/off I have an error window : “3.52” is an invalid float. Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption. Press abort to kill the program. However I can read [astorb.dat] found. If I press OK, the window Asteroids data Management is closed. If I open again the window Asteroids data Management, I see only 001 1 Ceres and all the data on the right and below are 0. Any idea. I use Windows 10 updated. Same error if I run the program again.
    Best regards.

  2. Hi, I can reproduce the error if I switch my Windows 10 to French. Sounds weird because Italian and French use either a comma as decimal separator. I always force the “.” character before downloading text files containing 0.000 decimal numbers. In Italian Win10 it works, in French Win10 it doesn’t. Do you have Mac or Linux pcs set for French language? Can you please tell me, in case, if the error appears on other operating systems?

    Alberto Cavalli

  3. Ok, guess I’ve solved. Looks like French Win10 ignores forcing dot as decimal separator in Global Mode. Forcing this info at procedure level works.

    Putting online the patched WINDOWS version Thanks for your feedback Bercu, only a French user could notice this problem 🙂

    Anyway I need some further feedback from Mac and Linux French users about the version, because I strongly suspect that this patch will work on Windows only.

  4. Hi
    With UrukOne (version, you solve the issue. Thank you very much for the quick patch.
    I check the position of Ceres on Sunday 15 November 2020 at 12:00 TDT from Paris Observatory (apparent AD & DE). IMCCE ( ) : AD= 22:29:18.2794 and DE = -22°07′32.772″; Uruk_One : AD = 22:29:18.484 and DE = -22°07′32.76. Great. The last improvements of Uruk_One are very useful.
    Unfortunately I have no Mac nor Linux in order to do the test.
    Best regards.

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