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Jupiter and Saturn close to Opposition

Time for some imaging about the two most striking planets in the solar system, in the period close to their opposition to the Sun.


That was the first time I used Planetary System Stacker so I still made the post-production (wavelets mainly) with Registax. I don’t like Registax basically for two reasons: firstly it’s a Windows-only program and then it’s a dead program, since 2011. Reading the manual of PSS I discovered that it is able to manage wavelets, so I tried to manage the image processing with PSS only. I do like the results indeed.

6 thoughts on “Jupiter and Saturn close to Opposition”

  1. Thanks. I’ve started using Planetary System Stacker under MacOS for stacking frames. Looks like an excellent alternative to Autostakkert so far.

  2. Hi
    Is it possible to display planets and moon in Uruk-One with their real appearance, for example by implementing Xplanet?

    1. Hi,
      due to the nature of this program this is a low priority task. The majority of users define as “Planetarium” a software able to control their hardware and that is an aid for astrophotography, showing textures of planets, FOV of sensors, artificial satellites, billions of stars, tons of DSO objects and so on. This is not my target, although I do not exclude that in the future it may yield on some points.


  3. Hi
    Sky & Telescope published an article (17 December 2020) : ancient Babylonians witnessed unique planetary gathering
    The article by de Jong and Hunger can be downloaded (open access) :
    (PDF :
    At 02:22:00 UT, 25 March 185BC (Babylon), we see that Uruk_One Horizontal View is the same as Fig.4 in de Jong and Hunger article : Saturn is “under” Venus. Same result with SkyChart. However, in Sky and Telescope article : Venus is on the same level as Saturn! Now if I use the latest version of Stellarium, Saturn is “under” Venus. In conclusion, better to trust Uruk_One …

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