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(1) BUG – EARTH VIEW : Path of totality/annularity was not correctly shown on the Mercator Map. SOLVED.

(2) Now testing the new Solar Eclipses Navigator. It allows a fast navigation between TOTAL/ANNULAR/HYBRID eclipses only, after selecting an astronomical year as starting point.

The new Solar Eclipse Navigator movable window.

(3) Added a third Earth Map Projection, Orthographic. When not linked to a Solar Eclipse this new map can be centered on the SubSolar or SubLunar points. This means that the Earth appears as seen from the Sun or the Moon respectively. In the first case the side of the earth illuminated by the sun is shown, in the second case one can see where the Moon is above the horizon. In few words if a lunar eclipse is selected from the Canon of L.E.s, we can see where this event is visible as time progresses.

(4) Solar Eclipses Canon : the column containing the U value (the radius of the lunar umbra over the fundamental plane) has been replaced with the Saros Cycle Number. Since that column can be sorted, it is possible to group the eclipses by cycle.

(5) EARTH VIEW : now the altitude of the Sun at the location of the pointer is shown on the Title row.

(6) I decided to give the Orthographic Projection a different meaning. Instead of having another representation of the totality or annularity path, I preferred to show the path, on the terrestrial globe, of the lunar shadow and penumbra as seen from the Sun. Basically this allows us to evaluate also the areas where the eclipse will be partial. Of course the Eclipse Navigator contains now ALL the types of eclipses, partials included. The Stereographic and Mercator projections will continue to ignore them, but the Orthographic won’t.

(7) Added into Terminal 1 (T1) the MEAN values of the lunar ascending and descending node. I decided to place them here because they are directly comparable with the geocentric ecliptic longitude of the Moon.

(8) Terminal 6 (T6) has been dismissed. All the informations relating to a possible Central Line have been moved to the OrthoGraphic Map. The SDR value refers to the ratio [ SD moon / SD sun ], showing if an eclipse could be total or annular ( SDR < 1 means annular). Semi-diameters are obviously topocentric, referred to the location placed on the Central Line at that precise moment.

UrukOne is on its way.

Anyway, a couple of notes concerning the use of the EARTH Views are due:

  1. When the Eclipses Navigator is active ALL the types of eclipse are scanned. But, if Stereographic or Mercator Projection is selected as current view, PARTIAL and NOC T/A won’t produce any graphical path. The Orthographic projection will always show instead what’s going on with Moon’s Umbra (a little red circle) and Penumbra (the bigger gray area). The circle of Penumbra contains inside indicators of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% of partiality.
  2. Stereographic and Mercator projections are only feeded by the Canon of Solar Eclipses (Menu Show) and the Eclipses Navigator. If you reach a date when a TOTAL, ANNULAR or HYBRID eclipse occurs by means of an Event Load, direct Date Input or Time Flow buttons, no path will be shown.

4 thoughts on “** VERSION CHANGELOG **”

  1. Hi
    The options chosen for eclipses in the next version seem very interesting and judicious.
    In particular with regard to the choice of graphic representations.
    Thank you for this remarkable work.

  2. Mi associo al plauso per lo sforzo che sta facendo per migliorare la versione. Grazie
    L. Torlai

    1. Salve,
      rinnovo qui il concetto espresso nel precedente messaggio. Pochi, ma buoni, insomma 🙂


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