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Version Beta Bug Reporting

Please place here comments about bugs of the current version. I’ll do the same.

7 thoughts on “Version Beta Bug Reporting”

  1. Hi
    I just downloaded the new version 497. Unfortunately when I want to open the program this error message is displayed : Access denied. Press OK to ignore and risk data corruption. Press Abort to kill the program.
    I uninstalled the old version and reinstalled the new one but with no success.
    If I click OK the main window is displayed but empty. When I try to close the window, this error message is displayed : File handling error occurred. Details: ElnOutErrorAccess denied.
    Do you think this problem is related to my computer using French characters ? My desktop PC uses Windows 10 November 21H2 version, Intel I5, 6 Go Ram.
    Thank you.

    1. Hi,
      don’t think it’s a problem related with French version of Windows. It’s clearly a problem of access rights to the /data folder. You already had this issue with your laptop, if I’m correct, and solved running the program as Administrator (right click of the mouse over the program name). This time you mentioned your desktop that was immune to this problem so far. Am I right? Let me know.


      switched to French. Windows just told me that it’s “Nuageux” (cloudy) here, but U1 started correctly. No relation with French language, it should be a right access issue of the current user.

  2. Hi
    Thank you very much for finding the solution so early in the morning. Running the program with Administrator rights solved the issue. All’s Well That Ends Well. Another computer mystery.
    I will not have time to check all the new features of the program until next week because I run the stand of my astronomical association during the 3 Astronomical Days which take place in Paris today until Sunday.
    Best regards.

    1. Hi,
      happy to know that running the program as Adm did the trick, even though it’s a workaround. Actually Windows Defender might have done some trouble. When you have time you could try to create a new user and try the installation from there. Anyway enjoy your astronomical event 🙂


    2. Well, I think I mentioned it here, too. Right click on the application icon select Properties-Compatibility and check “Run this program as administrator”.


  3. Salve.
    Sto provando la nuova versione 497 e al momento non ho problemi.
    Grazie per l’interessante evoluzione del programma.
    L. Torlai

    1. Buongiorno,
      grazie a lei. C’è in questa versione un curioso “effetto collaterale” nelle formule che gestiscono il calcolo della linea centrale di un’eclisse che adesso nella corrente versione di sviluppo ho rimosso. In realtà si ottiene una soluzione per la linea centrale anche in occorrenza di una eclisse lunare, con il globo terrestre trasformato nella sua ombra e il cerchio di penombra nel disco lunare. Provare per credere. Ovviamente tutto ciò non ha un senso in questo contesto per cui ho rimosso questo bug.


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