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Version 1.0.4R Beta Bug Reporting

Please place here comments about bugs of the current version. I’ll do the same.

13 thoughts on “Version 1.0.4R Beta Bug Reporting”

  1. Hi
    First of all I appreciate your comment about the picture of Saturn by Antoniadi which testifies to the great accuracy of UrukFSP.
    I just downloaded and installed version 1.0.4R (Windows) and everything works perfectly. The different menus are even clearer. To summarize: UrukFSP deserved to upgrade to version 1.0.
    Thank you for all these excellent improvements.
    By the way, don’t miss the May 12 press conference:
    Possibly an image of Sagittarius A* ?

    1. HI,
      thanks for your comment.
      A Sgr A* image? I hope so, it was announced years ago but actually I don’t know the reason for this delay (COVID-19 maybe…. rightly or wrongly it’s accused of practically everything delayed).


  2. Hello
    I am trying to install version 1.0.4R on my Linux machine (Mint). Unfortunately, it does not start. No error message, nothing. I followed your installation instructions exactly. I’m a Linux newbie.


    1. HI
      just checked your problem under Linux Mint 20.1, that I suppose you have.
      Under Linux when an application silently doesn’t start you can try to execute it into a terminal and see what happens:

      user > ./UrukFSP: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ version `GLIBC_2.34′ not found (required by ./UrukFSP)

      as you can see UrukFSP needs a version of GLIBC equal or greater of v. 2.34, commonly present into other distros (Kubuntu , Astronomy Linux, just to mention what I have currently installed). Let’s see which version Mint 20.1 uses:

      user > ldd –version
      ldd (Ubuntu GLIBC 2.31-0ubuntu9.7) 2.31

      That’s bad. We have a way for checking if new versions are available for Mint 20.1

      user > sudo apt update
      user > apt-cache policy libc6
      Installed: 2.31-0ubuntu9.7
      Candidate: 2.31-0ubuntu9.7

      That’s even MORE bad. Mint doesn’t have a candidate for upgrading this library. The only solution could be a distro upgrade to Mint 20.3. I’m gonna get it and see if this new version of Mint is aligned with other distros.

      ————– EDIT ———–

      I’ve just added a custom download for Linux distros (like Mint) still having GLIBC version 2.31 installed. Try that and let me know.

  3. Good morning
    I installed MINT 20.X with GLIBC 2.31 and it starts and runs smoothly. Interesting improvements, great software. Thank you very much for the quick solution of my problem.

    Best regards,

    1. Great! Mint performed as I expected. New Mint 20.3 version still uses GLIBC 2.31 so looks mandatory for Mint users to download the custom compilation. Thanks for your feedback though, basically I’m a one-man-band and have no time for testing all the situations that may arise. Even posts like “I have this distro, version XX, and UrukFSP works fine” can be helpful for problem solving.


  4. Hi
    I noticed a dispaly problem.
    On my desktop (Windows 10) with a 22′ screen 1920 x 1080 :
    the display is perfect and the debug informations window specifies 1920 x 1017
    On my laptop (Windows 11) with a 15′ screen 1920 x 1080 :
    the main window is not correctly displayed and the debug informations window specifies 1920 x 991
    At the bottom left there is a large grey square which hides part of the text : I read ndrak (2011) instead of ΔT: +69.81s (RC) Precession: Vondrak (2011) and 2000AIERS instead of LAST: 04h 08m 00.61s Nutation: IAU 2000AIERS
    Besides I read A= instead of OA and Z instead of AZ.
    Now if I reduce the main window the display is correct.
    I have no clue. Probably a bad setting on my part.
    What do you think ? Thank you.

    1. Hi.

      Dear friend, I assume that on your 15″ laptop you have the scaling set to 125% in Settings. Change it to 100% and it should be OK.


  5. Hi
    Thank you very much Kamil. Problem solved.
    The display option (recommended) is 100% on my desktop + 22′ screen but was set by default to 125% (recommended) on my laptop + 15′ screen.
    So to get a correct display, I just need to reduce the size of the main window a little bit instead of using the full screen option.

  6. Whatever the reason could be I’m going to modify how bottom panels height is computed. Maybe on the next version this problem could be gone. Thanks for the feedback to Bercu, useful as usual.


  7. Hello
    if I remember correctly, in the previous version of UrukOne there was a switch to add the eclipses from BCE 13001 to BCE 3000 and CE 3000 to CE 16999. Have I overlooked him until now? The URUK1JOB_Canonxxx.ecf contain these events.

    Best regards,

    1. Yep, it’s still there. Item #10, “Canons of Eclipses” into the Preferences panel. If you wish to access the entire dataset you have to uncheck the option.



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