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** Version 1.0.32G CHANGELOG **

(1A) – BUG : when button ‘GEOC’ is activated now the Sun coordinates are correctly computed as Geocentric. Just for info: applying a geocentric calculation toggles PARALLAX and REFRACTION off.

(1B) – BUG : affecting LINUX only. Sensor and Telescope selected from the Combo-Boxes were not correctly applied.

(1C) – BUG : when ‘GEOC’ is activated a superimpose of Sun and Earth’s Umbra could happen under certain circumstances.

(1D) – BUG : when left clicking on EQT or HOR view in order to change the map center a new wrong position were computed if mouse were not moved before clicking again. SOLVED. I want to take advantage of this to write a clarification on how slewing happens on UrukFSP:

(1E) – BUG: Solved some minor bugs.

(2) Setup Sensor Form. Turned color of labels into Black.

(3) Position of Plutonian objects Iris, Haumea and Makemake added to asteroids list. You can find them on the bottom of the list itself.

(4) Added Milky Way boundaries to EQT, HOR and ASM views.

(5) Added Ecliptic and Celestial Equator to EQT and HOR views.

(6) Now the EQT and HOR title bar show the number of STARS, DSO, Asteroid and Comets plotted into the window.

(7) New info for tracked asteroid into the upper left corner of the EQT view. When Δl value = 180° we have the opposition, directly comparable with Almanacs.

(8) Tools Menu: added a list of bright stars that can be occulted by the Moon for current JD.

(9) When you try to move (left click) the EQT and HOR point of view and a TRACKING is active, now a warning message appears.

(10) Change of look for some windows: Stars DB, DSO Db, Location Input and Identify form.

(11) Clicking on the top right cell containing the current time now switches between TDT, UT1, LST/DST, LMST, LTST. This setting will be recalled when starting the application again. Loaded events can modify this choice and that’s the reason why a “Quit Event” Button exists, reloading the last saved configuration file.

(12) EPHEMERIS MENU – Added rise, transit and set times for Solar System’s Planets. Since my heart was bleeding Pluto is there as well. Reference time (TT,UT,LST,LMST,LTST) can be changed by means of Option Panel.

(13) EARTH VIEW has now a pop-menu, activated by a mouse right click, for switching between STEREO, MERC and ORTHO Projections.

(14) INPUT DATE / TIME WINDOW : now LST/DST (Local Standard Time / Daylight Saving Time) can be inserted as well.

(15) POPUP Menus have now an EXIT option, in order to avoid moving the graphics window unintentionally using the left click to quit from popup menu.

New version 1.0.32 is ready, I’m completing software test activities just to chase macroscopic bugs possibly left after my recent work.

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