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BUG – DeltaT Graphs: the MTP (Mean Tidal Parabola) is wrong. A ’42’ value instead of ’32’ gives higher results. SOLVED. 

BUG – Horizontal View: pointer equatorial coordinates when commuted to decimal degrees (by clicking over the control) do not update. SOLVED.

BUG – MacOS only. Sensor rotation leads to the graphic window rotation too. This is due to a malfunction of a property (TextOrientation) of the graphic library appearing under MacOS only. I couldn’t find a workaround for that, so I had to move sensor setup info into a sub-window located on the top right of the graphic window itself. SOLVED.

BUG – J2000 position of DSO Collinder (Cr) 285 is wrong. I used Simbad coordinates (14h 40m 54s +69° 43′ 00”) but all the other sources I’ve checked out report 12h 03m +58° 00′. SOLVED.

(1) – A loaded event is automatically closed when an eclipse or transit is loaded from menu “Eclipses and Transits Database.

(2) – A loaded event is automatically closed when SE Navigator is activated.

(3) – HOR View : the zone below the horizon is now painted in dark grey.

(4) – EQT View : background color can be changed in Black / Blue / White.

(5) – Leds shape into main form turned into rectangular

(6) – Panels title color changed from green to dark grey.

(7) – Boxes containing data now have white text and a dark grey background.

(8) – Input boxes of EQT(Ra, De) and HOR View (H, Az) have lost their arrows. The graphic window will be updated only when the ENTER key is pressed. Also if UDC timer or RTC timer are currently active, they will be turned off.

(9) – EARTH View – Stereographic Projection. Mouse pointer distance from the center of the map is now shown in terrestrial miles (mi), Nautical Miles (NM) and Kilometers (Km).

(10) – HOR View. Into the corresponding left panel now the field rotation of the map center is shown. This matches the exact quantity of degrees/min that a field de-rotator unit should compensate if an altazimuth mount is used.

(11) – A new item into menu INFO shows how Field Rotation and Parallactic Angle are represented.

(12) – New version of Stellar Catalog, URUKSTR1G. Added GAIA designation to 9156 Hipparcos2 stars.

(13) – New version of DSO Catalog, URUKDSO1C. Corrected the position of Cr 285.

(14) – SE and LE Navigator. Inserting a starting year now should be more comfortable.

(15) – Main Form: pressing the button [ NOW ] automatically closes a loaded event and unlinks a Solar Eclipse.

(16) – Rise / Set Ephemeris : buttons PREVIOUS and NEXT DAY work now with multiple days.

(17) – Added (65803) Didymos to the list of loadable asteroids. After the impact with NASA probe DART, this minor planet still shows a tail that can be catched by amatorial instruments. Also added (25143) Itokawa, (101955) Bennu, (162173) Ryugu, (486958) Arrokoth.

(18) – Mercator Projection of Earth shows now the Night/Day Terminator when a Solar Eclipse is not linked. The dashed line represents the places where the Moon is above or below the horizon, taking as reference the Sublunar Point, where the Moon itself lies at Zenith.

Right click to show the enlarged picture on a new panel.

(19) – Two new leds added, showing if Stellar Catalog and DSO Catalog are active.

(20) – Options Form: Earth Views, T1,T2,T3,T4,T5,T6 don’t need the Stars and DSO Catalogues to be computed when active, so a new checkbox was added into Stars and DSO sections in order to automate this process. It can be a big time saving when “tinkering” with solar and lunar eclipses, for example.

(21) – Linux and KDE had some problem with the Options Form, particularly with some Font height. Solved.

Future version 1.2 closed. Just a week of tests and most likely it will be out on next weekend.

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