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Version 1.3.3 Bug Reporting

1A) BUG – Windows only. When entering into the Input Location Form, navigating through GROUPS generates an exception. As a temporary solution edit the Locations File inserting to North Pole a latitude of 89.99° and to South Pole a latitude of -89.99°. Only two decimal digits must be saved. Try again to navigate into the Input location form and errors should disappear. Of course next version will solve this issue.

1B) BUG – Into the “Show Star Alignments” window this help sentence is wrong: “the previous day 3.9 minutes earlier and the following day 3.9 minutes later” is to be intended as “the previous day 3.9 minutes later and the following day 3.9 minutes earlier“.

1C) BUG – In the “Time Flow” panel in the Main Form, Tropical Year, Sidereal Year and Julian Year don’t work using the buttons < Bck > and < Fwd >. Working as expected with Animation Buttons though. There is no workaround for that, it will be solved in the next version.

1D) BUG – When loading an event the event date is not passed to the Window Eclipse. Solved.

1E) BUG – I could finally reproduce the bug reported by Luigi Torlai, hanging the Rise/Set of Stars Window and the Application itself. It’s pretty rare, but it’s there. When a star becomes circumpolar, lying above the dipped horizon and above the astronomical horizon, an infinite loop happens. Solved.

9 thoughts on “Version 1.3.3 Bug Reporting”

  1. Author

    Buongiorno Sig. Torlai,
    sto tenendo sotto esame la versione 1.3.3 per Windows ma non sono riuscito ancora a riprodurre il suo errore, forse si verifica in particolari condizioni dovute ad una singola location oppure ad una data del calcolo. Ma le succede sempre, anche variando i suddetti parametri di calcolo?


  2. Buongiorno
    Non sono riuscito a riprodurre questo problema sul mio computer Windows 10. Proverò questa sera sul mio computer Windows 11 e ti farò sapere se il problema è legato alla versione di Windows.
    Buona giornata.

  3. I installed UrukFSP on an iMac M1 (OS Ventura 13.4). When closing the program I get the following error message: “File handling error occurred. Details: EInOutErrorAccess denied”. No change is saved when I start it again.

    1. Author

      looks clearly a problem of write permissions into the Application/UrukFSP/data folder that normally shouldn’t happen. Too bad I can’t check out how M1/Intel emulation works on Intel based applications even though some months ago I had a report from a Mac M1 user stating that UrukFSP was working fine there. Maybe going to System Preference -> Security and Privacy and check disk access for UrukFSP could help. Let me know.


  4. Thank you for the hint. I will check next week when I am back home and let you know. For what I could find out when I posted my comment, your SW is really amazing. Complimenti!

  5. Just to let you know that I could not solve the issue by giving disk access permission. I wonder if I have done something wrong when I installed UrukFSP. I will remove it and try with the new version.

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