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** Version 1.3.7 CHANGELOG

(1) HOR View – Enabled the visualisation of the Milky Way.

(2) All dates and tracking info shown into the Graphic Windows now have an opaque background for a better visibility. Data are surrounded by a frame as well.

(3) Added a button “EclW Syncing” on the main form. Now the Eclipse Window can be optionally synced with the application clock.

(4) Ephemeris used to compute the position of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s satellites is now disabled when computing date is out of the range of 1550 – 2500 CE.

(5) Heliacal and Acronychal phenomena are now computed for all stars having visual magnitude < 2.0 (46 stars instead of 20 stars computed before).

(6) Latitude and Longitude input in the main form are now managed by signed values. Buttons N, S, W, E are no more available. This looks to me more comfortable especially when using the mouse wheel for changing values.

(7) Added into the Canon Section the computation of planetary appulses from 4000 BCE to 2500 CE for VEN-MAR, VEN-JUP, VEN-SAT, MAR-JUP, MAR-SAT, JUP-SAT.

NOTE : if you already have an earlier version of UrukFSP the new location file will not overwrite your local file contained into UrukFSP_USR/Locations. If you want the new file to be installed you have to rename the one already present into the above path. Location files are plain text files, so if you added a lot of new locations in your renamed file they can be transferred via copy and paste.

NOTE : Unlike most programs, in UrukFSP moving in the EQT, HOR and STEREOGRAPHIC EARTH VIEW windows doesn’t require holding down the left mouse button and dragging it to the destination. Simply click the left mouse button on the new position that needs to be placed at the center of the window. Alternatively, it is possible to rotate the current window by moving the mouse over the boxes indicating AR, DEC, ALT, AZM, LON, LAT if enabled, and acting on the mouse wheel. This can be done in steps of 10° or 1°.

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